Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Meet Dr. Doleac

I started my orthodontic career as a military orthodontist in Germany, Texas, and Alaska. My military service began when I earned my bachelor degree from the United States Military Academy at West Point. While on active duty in the US Army, I attended the University of Texas Dental School in San Antonio. I then earned my Orthodontic Degree from the University of Missouri in Kansas City in 1981. After nine years as a military orthodontist, I brought my family to Portland to start my private practice.

My wife, Marge, and I have four children. Our oldest son, Jason, works for Boston Scientific and just moved to Salt Lake City with his wife, Meredith, and their three children, Kendal, Carter, and Addison. Michael, our second son, lives in Park City, Utah. He and his wife, Shannon, have 2 sons, Taylor and Boston. Michael is pursuing a masters in Physics and intends to teach either high school or college Physics. Kenny, our third son, followed in my footsteps and graduated from West Point. After 2 tours in Iraq as a Blackhawk helicopter pilot, he is planning on leaving the Army and pursuing an MBA. Our daughter, Suzanne, graduated from Carroll College in Helena, Montana, with degrees in Biology and French. She just received her acceptance into Oregon Health Science University Medical School, where she begins in the fall.

I enjoy getting together with my kids and grandkids, especially at our cabin in eastern Washington. I like to golf, fish, snow ski, work out, and watch basketball, especially March Madness and the NBA playoffs. I am fascinated by computers and how technological advances are changing orthodontics. I also love to read historical fiction.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ask Dr. Doleac: Am I too old for braces?

Recently, our staff at Magic Smiles read a fascinating statistic: the number of adults getting braces has actually climbed 24 percent since 1996! Yes, braces help make your pearly whites strong, healthy and perfectly-aligned, but perhaps another reason for the spike in adult braces is this: people want to look and feel great. In an age—and society—where looks matter as much as anything, and at a time when evenly-aligned and sparkling teeth might be the difference between getting a job or a promotion, adults are choosing—wisely, we might add—to invest in orthodontics. Orthodontic treatment with Dr. Doleac can be successful at any age, and adults especially appreciate the benefits of a beautiful smile. Check out the video above of one of our adult patients explaining how she achieved her beautiful new smile here at Magic Smiles!

If you’ve been thinking about getting that perfect smile, we would love to have you visit for a consultation. Please give us a call to set one up at our Portland, Beaverton, or Scappoose offices!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Smile, and you might just live longer!

Folks with big smiles may actually live than those who don’t, according to a March 2010 study at Michigan’s Wayne State University. The Magic Smiles team has known for quite some time that positive emotion has been linked to both physical and mental health, but researchers at the university did something quite interesting: they looked at photos of 230 ball-players who began their careers in baseball prior to 1950 and studied their smile intensity (ranging from big smile, no smile or partial smile). The players' smile ratings were compared with data from deaths that occurred from 2006 through 2009. The researchers then took into account other factors that impact life longevity, including body mass index, career length and even college attendance.

The results? Researchers found that players who weren't smiling in the photos lived to the average age of 72.9 years. Players with partial smiles lived to be 75. Those with big smiles, however, lived on average to be 79.9 years old.

The take-away from the new study? Smile now, smile often and you might just live longer! A great new smile is just a call away to Dr. Doleac & the Magic Smiles team of Portland, Beaverton and Scappoose.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Smile--June is National Smile Month!

It's June already! Where does the time go?

Dr. Doleac and the Magic Smiles team are excited to tell you June marks National Smile Month, a great time to remind our patients to brush, floss, practice good nutrition at home (and over the summer) to avoid cavities and gum disease, among other dental health issues.

After all, there's more and more evidence that suggests folks with gum disease are more at risk for serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and strokes.

Here are a few easy steps you can improve your oral health at home:

* Brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
* Floss everyday to clean between your teeth and braces
* Reduce your intake of sugary foods and drinks during orthodontic treatment.
* Visit your general dentist regularly (usually every six months apart).

If you have questions about any of the tips here, we encourage you to give either of our Portland, Beaverton, or Scappoose offices a call ! We hope you had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend!