Friday, February 26, 2010

When should you call Dr. Doleac?

Our friends at the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) have put together a helpful list that outlines when you should call Magic Smiles. Here are some early warning signs indicating it’s time to check in with us:

1. Early or late loss of baby teeth
2. Difficulty of chewing or biting
3. Mouth breathing
4. Finger sucking or other oral habits
5. Crowding, misplaced or blocked-out teeth
6. Jaws that shift, make sounds, protrude or retrude
7. Speech difficulty
8. Biting the cheek or biting into the roof of the mouth
9. Protruding teeth
10. Teeth that meet in an abnormal way or don’t meet at all
11. Facial imbalance or asymmetry
12. Grinding or clenching of teeth

Do any of these warning signs fit you? If so, give us a call as soon as possible!
Hope this helps,

-Dr. Doleac

Friday, February 19, 2010

Spirit Days at Magic Smiles

Thank you everyone who participated in our Hat Spirit Days for the week of February 8-12! Head over to our Facebook Fan Page to check out all the fun photos, and to find your photo with Dr. Doleac and your crazy hats!

If you missed our Hat Spirit Days, we will be having our next spirit week from March 15th - 18th. The theme will be March Madness, so be sure to wear your sports themed clothing to earn extra tokens!

--Dr. Doleac, Magic Smiles

Friday, February 12, 2010

Orthodontic fun facts, from Dr. Doleac

The American Association of Orthodontists, or AAO, has come up with some fun facts about orthodontics that our team at Magic Smiles thought you might enjoy.

• There are nearly 4 million people in orthodontic treatment throughout the United States. Three out of four are younger than 18.

• The first mechanical treatment for correcting irregular teeth was suggested by Gaius Plinius Secundus (A.D 23-

• Of the 160,000 dentists in the United States and Canada, 8,000 are practicing orthodontists.

• The cement that attaches the braces to the teeth is now made with a special fluoride-releasing substance.

• Wires activated by body heat used in today's braces originally were developed by NASA for use in the space program.

• In addition to alleviating or preventing physical health problems, orthodontics can boost self-esteem as treatment aligns teeth, jaws and lips.

• Famous orthodontic patients include: Dr. Joyce Brothers, Hale Irwin, Cher, Diana Ross, Phyllis Diller, Chelsea Clinton, Whoopi Goldberg, Daisy Fuentes and Brandi.